Friday, May 8, 2009

To explode with great grace--

--so, I was thinking about it: there aren't any explosions in the Crank films. In the second one, there are a few electric bursts that send him flying, but I'm talking about your classic Die Hard action movie explosions. You know... like, gas combustion or however we can classify it. Fiery plumes.

This is particularly strange given the films' why-not-include-the-kitchen-sink? approach. BUT--is it really as strange as all that? These movies are not about combustion. They are about the body's capacity to resist explosions. Bursts of energy provided by electricity, drugs, hormones, fear, or even (as is the case with the first one, much less the second) love, are all channeled through a biological vehicle and translate into a wild, but (here's what's important) controlled, trajectory. But the risk of Chelios's heart, or body in general, actually bursting itself is never introduced. Hence, no ka-booms.

This post is an installment in a continuing series of content coordinated by theme or motif with posts from Enoch Allred of Chiltingham, John Allred of clol Town, Jon Fairbanks of Funkadelic Freestylings of Another Sort, Eli Z. McCormick and Miriam Allred of Modern Revelation!, John D. Moore of Whatnot Studios, Davey Morrison, Joseph Schlegel of Sour Mayonnaise, Sven Patrick Svensson of Sadness? Euphoria?, and William C. Stewart of Chide, Chode, Chidden. This week's theme: Explosion'.

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